September 7, 2008

Seventeen inch Brown caught on a Delektable Double Screamer Olive Black, September 7, 2008 Put your streamer inches from the bank in the quiet water and you will probably be rewarded. The flow of the Upper Madison remains high at 3,490 CFS and is stable: Upper Madison Flow at Cameron.

Dan Marty Nancy Brad

September 7, 2008 11:45 AM PPL Update

PPL is making progress but are experiencing some delays with the current goal to have the bulkhead lowered sometime tomorrow (Monday). We are reminded that this process is a temporary fix and if successful is expected to stem flows back to seasonal levels. This temporary structure should help PPL in determining what permanent repairs are needed.

Current flows are at 3,570 CFS. Streamer fishing remains the way to go. Also, big stonefly nymphs like the Delektable Hurless or Mega Prince should be good in the big flows.

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