August 30th, September 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, 2013

The CFS of the Madison has been staying pretty consistent throughout the week (930-950) and fishing has been good to great! After taking a few whole days on the river myself and hearing what all the guides have to say, I’d say it’s been a lot better than the past couple of

IMG_2131 SM IMG_0258 SM IMG_2129 SM IMG_2133 SMIMG_0890 SM IMG_1392 SM IMG_0368 SM IMG_0369 SM weeks that brought all that hot weather. The fish are gettin a little more spunky and warmin up to the water temps that have been unusually higher. Some dries that are working: Cinnamin Ants!, Hoppers,Royal Wuffs, Henryville style Caddis with legs,Royal Caddis, Spruce Moths, Rusty Spinners,Purple Haze, Fat Alberts, Delektable Teasears (Royal and, Purple and adams), and some PMD patterns. 

IMG_1395 SM IMG_1396 SM IMG_1137 SM IMG_0897 SM Some nymphs that are working:Hare’s Ear’s,Psycho Princes , Mega Princes, Chartreuse Copper Johns, Leslie’s Red Head PT Cruiser, little red nymphs, little blue nymphs, little green ones for caddis(CDC pupa style), and yer rotation of your favorite traditional soft hackle patterns like for instance the soft hackled tungsten beadhead Pheasant Tail. As we are coming closer to the end of summer and moving into fall, we would like to thank all our guides for their dedication to the sport they love so much and for helping us make you guys so happy!!! IMG_0263 SM IMG_0252 SMThat being said…the running browns are coming soon, and you don’t want to be caught out of practice! So get your streamers out and start throwing them a little earlier. Right now, they are keying in on the smaller sculpin patterns with single hooks and stingers, but soon they will be more likely to hit the articulated streamers as the snow and colder weather comes and they are more apt to get angry and feisty!!



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