The “W’s” of Change have been blowing through the Valley this last week. By the end of this week Hoot Owl Restrictions from Ennis Bridge to Ennis Lake have been lifted. The cooler rainy days mixed with breaks of sunshine, all be it the Wind was present, and gave us feelings that Fall is just around the corner. Traffic in the Valley has been slowing down as the kids go back to school. Fishing has been just great and still a lot of trout to go around and be caught with a variety of techniques.

Streamflows this week started at 1,100cfs @ Kirby and 1,280cfs @ Cameron and dropped to 976cfs @ Kirby and 1,140cfs @ Cameron by the end of the week. It’s getting a little boney out there, especially the accessibility of some boat ramps. Storey Ditch, Varney Bridge & Palisades have been more difficult to launch and take out at but still achievable if you don’t mind scraping your bottom a bit and doing the walk across slippery boulders! The flows for the dry fly bite, however, have been fantastic.

Terrestrials have really turned on this last week. Storms and the “W” Factor have been challenging some days but regardless the fish have been eating! Small Streamers, and Attractor Nymphs followed by a smaller Nymph have been productive. The Trout are putting on their feed bags for the upcoming Winter season, so get out there and try to get one of those 70 fish days!

As always the pictures tell the best story! Here at Beartooth Flyfishing we open Everyday 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. Come on in for an epic Retail Adventure and the best free coffee in the Valley!

Dries: Grillo’s Hippie Stomper Royal #12-#16; Delektable Chubbyness UV Cinnamon, Olive Brown, Royal or UV Purple #12-#16; Panty Dropper Hopper Yellow or Pink #10-#12; Thunder Thighs Hopper Pink, Yellow, Tan #10-#14; KB’s Hop Zone Tan, Cheese or Peach #12; Dry Humper Royal Purple, Olive, or Red #14-#16; White Cloud Hopper Tan, Olive or Peach #12-#14; Morrish Hopper Green or Tan #12-#14; Purple Craze #10-#20; Para Ant Black/Red #14-#16; Delektable Flying Ant Purple, Red/Purple or Black #14-#16; Delektable Lil’ Chubby Royal, UV Cinnamon or UV Caddis Green #16-#18; Delektable Halo Royal, Peacock or Purple #14-#18; Delektable Twisted X Chartreuse/Sand or Olive/Gold #10-#12; Dornan’s Water Walker Peanut #10-#12; Super Chernobyl Pink or Brown #12; Will Dornan’s Circus Peanut #12; Parachute Adams #10-#20.

Nymphs: Lightning Bug Silver, Pearl or Gold #14-#18; Geppert’s Skinny Dip Brown, Black or Pearl #14-#18; Geppert’s Mega Emerger #16; Delektable Lil’ Spanker Red, Blue, Silver, Gold or PT #16-#18; Delektable TSBH Big Spanker Warrior, TRBH Red Headed, or TCBH Light Olive #14-#16; Guide’s Choice Hare’s Ear #16; BH Tung Teaser Black #18; Wire Worm Red/Orange #4-#10; Tungsten BH Jiggy Frenchie #16-#18; The Fly Formerly Known as Prince #14-#18; JH BH Black Zebra Midge #18; Delektable JH Tungsten Spanker PT, Holo Olive, Holo Red or Holo Gold #16-#18; Pat’s Rubberlegs Olive/Brown or Black/Brown #8-#10; BH Shop Vac Brown #16-#18; BH Tungsten Jig Yellow Spot #16-#18; Delektable Mega Prince STD FB #6-#10; Delektable Hurless Nymph Olive FB #10.

Streamers: Delektable Screamer Single Olive/White, Olive/Black or Olive Yellow #6; Mini Dali Llama Olive/ White #10; Fish Wacker Mini White #6; Mini Loop Sculpin Natural or Olive #6; Trevor’s Sculpin Olive or Natural #6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive or Tan #4-#8; Zirdle Olive/Orange, Orange or Natural #6-#8; Zonker Natural or Black #6-#8; Jr’s Conehead Streamer Olive #6; Muddy Buddy Olive #8; Sculpzilla Olive/White, Olive/Tan, White #8; Shelia Sculpin #4; Bloom’s JH Zirdle Olive/Orange #10; Pocket Rocket Olive, Copper Brown or Black #4; Bunny Buster #8.